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All days 12:00 AM - 05:30 AM

Think “Journey to Zero-Waste” says coalition

Plastic-Free Greater Sudbury, Junction Creek Stewardship, and the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury… is asking the public, once again to rethink… their habits. To that end, they are launching a Journey to Zero-Waste campaign, starting next week. Full details: March 4th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Living with Lakes Centre (840 Ramsey Lake Road). Their hope is to offer resources and tools in support of a healthier environment and community.
At 6pm presentation by Canadian Wildlife Federation, followed by a presentation at 7pm by Cameron Stiff, a waste advocate. Drop in any time for information and hands-on support from local groups to rethink plastic and organic waste in Greater Sudbury’s watersheds and learn how to improve the health of our environment and community. Bring your kids and your inner artist to help turn plastic waste into art. The event is free with snacks and refreshments.

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