Porcupine Health Unit declares a COVID-19 outbreak
A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared by the Porcupine Health Unit. It’s for Kirkland Lake Gold’s Detour Lake Mine. As of news time, there have been six confirmed cases at the site, according to the Porcupine Health Unit. The cases are linked to the workplace. The Porcupine Health Unit reported 34 new cases yesterday and 15 recoveries.
Sudbury Police investigating a suspicious fire
Sudbury police investigate another suspicious fire. It started with residents hearing explosions behind Bonik Tower off of Arther early yesterday. It turned out to be a car on fire. Firefighters were on the scene in 6-minutes. Police are investigating.
LU to offer in-person classes this fall… hopefully
Laurentian University in Greater Sudbury says, most courses will be offered in-person this fall. The school says it is considering ‘all potential scenarios’ and will work with the health unit. They will also work with faculty, students and staff to provide for a safe return to school, with the goal of delivering as many classes as possible on campus.
Two pieces of property in North Bay to be repurposed
In North Bay, the community services committee has recommended portions of two properties on Ski Club Road be rezoned for a proposed residential development. Totalling approximately 1.44 hectares or 3.56 acres the properties are just east of Riddle Street near Chapais Street. The committee, which includes the mayor and all 10 councillors, voted unanimously Tuesday evening to provide its recommendation to council, which will be addressed at a future meeting.
A forest fire near Gouais River Provincial Park has been put out.
The forest fire reported near Gouais River Provincial Park has been put out. In the northeast region, there is one active fire burning. Sudbury 5 located near Highway 69, is under control at 13 hectares. It is considered under control. The fire hazard ranges from low to moderate in the northern areas of the region, with some areas north of Highway 11 showing a high hazard.
Double-check smoke detectors purchased online
An issue has been brought to the attention of Ontario’s fire chiefs, whereby online retailers were selling smoke and CO alarms in Ontario without meeting the proper Canadian or Ontarian standards. Any smoke or CO alarm sold in Canada must comply with the appropriate Canadian standards.